Use the INB® system and benefit from a reliable and mobile base with a heavy-duty certificate.

Innovative sustainable building of today

In order to achieve a stable and robust floor attachment, an intelligent load distribution is required. This is where the INB® system comes into play and also combines both a top layer and a base layer in one product.

The INB® system cannot be compared to a conventional lawn grid panel. The INB® system panel weighs a full 7 kg and shows its material value and extreme robustness. Since it can also be laid without a substructure, the ecologically vital soil structure is preserved and precipitation can continue to seep away.


Made from 100% recycled material


Anytime and easy to move
No floor sealing
no waterlogging – no mud
Cost savings
Less rainwater fees
Without substructure
Can be laid without a substructure
Supports the natural water cycle

of the INB® system plate

The design of the base layer is based on the required payload and is divided into the following three construction methods:
INB System im Bauwesen

Pkw bis 3,5 t

– ohne Tragschicht

Einsatz im Bauwesen

Car and occasional heavy goods traffic

-15-25 cm base course
INB System Einsatz im Bauwesen

INB® floor attachment for SLW 60 driveways (10 tons axle load)

– 20-30 cm Tragschicht

The INB® system in action



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